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Virtual Joyce
August 5, 2014
(“In Ulysses” from Eoghan Kidney on Vimeo.)
An animator with the brilliant name of Eoghan Kidney wants to adapt Joyce’s “Ulysses” in a rather unique way, by transforming it into a virtual-reality game. If you ever wanted to walk the streets of Dublin in the summer of 1904 while a disembodied voice murmurs a densely layered stream-of-consciousness into your ear, well, now’s your chance… provided Kidney can lock down proper funding for the project via crowdsourcing site FundIt.
“In Ulysses it will be designed in Unreal Engine 3 for use with one of the new generation VR headsets such as Oculus rift, but it will also be available on Windows PC, Mac, iOS and Android,” is how Kidney describes the project on the FundIt page. “I have already begun developing the project and will use the funding to purchase hardware and software, record the text using an actor and spend three months finishing the scene and illustrations for part of the Proteus chapter.”
One wonders how Joyce would react to something like this.
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